Official World Charts - Privacy Policy

  1. Collection of Personal Information:

    • Official World Charts may collect personal information, including but not limited to names, email addresses, and location data, for the purpose of creating artist profiles and improving user experience.
  2. Use of Personal Information:

    • Personal information collected by Official World Charts will be used for internal purposes, including account management, communication with users, and statistical analysis to enhance services.
  3. Protection of Personal Information:

    • Official World Charts employs industry-standard security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of personal information. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
  4. Third-Party Services:

    • Official World Charts may use third-party services to analyze and improve its platform. These services may have access to personal information but are bound by confidentiality agreements and are not permitted to use the information for any purpose other than assisting Official World Charts.
  5. Cookies:

    • Official World Charts uses cookies to enhance user experience. Users can adjust their browser settings to disable cookies, but this may affect the functionality of the platform.
  6. User Control:

    • Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information. Requests for such actions can be submitted through the Official World Charts platform.
  7. Information Sharing:

    • Official World Charts will not share personal information with third parties without the explicit consent of the user, except as required by law.
  8. Children's Privacy:

    • Official World Charts is not intended for individuals under the age of 13. If it comes to our attention that personal information has been collected from a child under 13, it will be deleted immediately.
  9. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

    • Official World Charts reserves the right to update and modify the privacy policy. Users will be notified of any changes, and the updated policy will be effective immediately upon posting on the Official World Charts website.
  10. Contact Information:

  • For questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy, users can contact Official World Charts through the provided contact information on the platform.

By using the Official World Charts platform, users acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. Users are encouraged to regularly review the policy for any updates or changes.


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