Official World Charts - Terms and Conditions

  1. Ownership and Copyright:

    • All artists uploading music to the Official World Charts platform must ensure that they possess the legal rights and ownership of the music they submit.
    • Official World Charts will not be held liable for any discrepancies in ownership or legal cases related to uploaded music. In case of copyright claims or legal issues, the concerned parties must directly contact the respective artist.
  2. Dispute Resolution:

    • Any disputes arising from ownership claims or legal issues shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the jurisdiction specified by Official World Charts at the time of the dispute.
  3. Indemnification:

    • Artists uploading music agree to indemnify and hold Official World Charts harmless from any claims, damages, losses, or liabilities arising from the violation of copyright, ownership, or any other legal rights.
  4. Third-Party Links:

    • Official World Charts allows embedding links to music from third-party sites, such as Apple Music and Deezer, for promotional purposes only.
    • Official World Charts does not claim ownership of the music linked from external sites and is not responsible for any legal issues arising from these links.
  5. Music Sales and Redirection:

    • Official World Charts only sells music by verified artists directly on the site.
    • Users interested in purchasing music will be redirected to the original site where the music is distributed, such as Apple Music or Deezer, and any transactions will be subject to the terms and conditions of the respective external site.
  6. Modification of Terms:

    • Official World Charts reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Official World Charts website.
  7. Governing Law:

    • These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction specified by Official World Charts.

By uploading music to the Official World Charts platform, artists acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Any violation may result in the removal of the music from the platform and further legal actions.

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